Friday, April 25, 2008

Curling With Tom and Stepho

Last weekend we went curling with Tom and Stepho at the new ice rink at Northcross Mall. Unfortunately for Michael and me, they make it look much easier that it really is. Needless to say we both took a few spills on the ice, but we were starting to get the hang of it by the end. Stepho took lots of pictures, so I've linked to them here in case anyone wants to have a look. Thanks for sharing Stepho!

It was a lot more fun (and a lot more physically demanding) than we thought it would be. Hopefully we'll get a chance to go again!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Normans at Home

Our new house!

We are officially at home in Austin now. We closed on our new house this week, after a myriad of issues, but we're not going to dwell on any of that now. What we have to do instead is unpack all of these boxes!

We've decided that we were spoiled by the size of our other kitchen. The kitchen boxes are mostly unpacked now, but I'm running out of room to put things. I have piles of glasses and bakeware all over the kitchen counters until I can figure out the best configuration to make it all fit. We'll have to figure something out (like maybe a kitchen remodel?!?) but we have higher things on our priority list for now.

Michael's been unpacking upstairs in the office and he's making decent headway as well. He also installed a new thermostat downstairs.

I've posted an new album with pictures of our new house. These are pictures I took when we were house hunting, so the house is empty. It will look totally different with all of our stuff in it, but it's going to be a while before I can take pictures that will show you anything other than boxes. So, for now, just use your imagination!

I'm still blogging

I know, I know....I haven't blogged in a really long time. Well, that's life. Maybe I'll go back and catch up some time, and then again maybe not. In the mean time I'll try to post about things happening in our life, and not feel guilty about all of the stories I have yet to tell from our year in Europe. Stay tuned to read more about what's going on with us.