Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

We drove to Kansas for Christmas to visit our families. We knew that we wouldn't be able to drive 12+ hours in one day with Isaac, so we split the drive into two days. It made for a much more relaxing and enjoyable trip. Isaac did so well with the long drive - better than I ever expected he would! Of course, I think it helped that we turned his car seat around to face forward - a little early, I know, but considering he's as big as a 2-year old we felt pretty safe. He loved having a better view through the windows, and also being able to see us in the front seat. When he would get bored with his toys, he would pull his blanket over his head to initiate a game of peek-a-boo.

Michael wasn't feeling well on the trip north, so I ended up driving most of the way. By the time we got to Iola, though, he was starting to feel a little better, thankfully. We had to change our plans a bit because of the weather, but we did end up getting to see both of our families while we were there.

I'm glad we arrived when we did - just before the snow. On Christmas morning, we had 5 inches or so of snow, but the drifts were huge! Just to get to our car, Michael had to get through a 2 foot drift, and in other areas the drifts were as high as 6 to 8 feet! We ended up getting stuck three times on Christmas day: once trying to get out of the hotel parking lot, once going up my parents drive, and again when we tried to leave their house that evening! Good grief! Thank goodness for help from nice strangers (at the hotel), and for a great dad, brother and sister-in-law, and a 4-wheel drive truck for freeing us from the snow that day!

Because of the snow, Dad had to go in to work on Christmas day. So, we waited until he got home to open presents, and the kids were all so good while we waited. Isaac loved getting to play with his cousins, and I think that they enjoyed playing with him, and showing him some of their toys.

On Saturday we went to Carthage where we had Christmas with Michael's family at his sister's house. Isaac's favorite part of the day? Max! Max is Chris and Michele's dog, and he was so very calm and patient while Isaac proceeded to crawl on, push, pull, cuddle and generally annoy him to death - poor dog. I thought Isaac would be afraid of him - he's a big dog - but he wasn't at all. In fact, once we got home, every time we read a book with a dog in it he had to kiss the dog - too funny!

We had a great time with both families, but the time went by so quickly! I'm already looking forward to our next visit, but maybe we'll plan a summer trip so we won't have to contend with the snow! :-)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Isaac at 10 months

Isaac turned 10 months old today. I can't believe how fast he's growing and learning! So many things have happened this month. Two new teeth made an appearance, for a grand total of four, and with his new teeth he's enjoying more and more new foods. This month we discovered that he loves potato soup, macaroni and cheese, and shrimp scampi. He loves to be in the kitchen to "help" when we're cooking; and by help I mean that he wants someone to hold him up so that he can watch everything that's going on. I understand that he's curious, but it certainly slows everything down.

The boy is still constantly on the move. He loves to dance to any kind of music, and his balance is improving as he continues to cruise around the furniture. He won't stay in his jumper anymore. I think it's just too confining for him, so we haven't used it all month. He loves to walk with his walking toy, and he's moving faster and faster every day! He also loves to move laundry for me. If I bring out the laundry bin, he'll push it into the laundry room for me. And, if he hears me open the dryer, he's there in a flash to push the basket of clean clothes to the living room to fold.

I rather enjoy that he likes to help so much, and I try to encourage him in any way I can. For example, I've been teaching him how "fun" it is to dust. Now, when I get the duster out I have to give him one too, or he gets mad! Yay! Maybe he'll love to clean - that will certainly make my life easier as he gets older. :-)

Last month we were teaching him to go down stairs, and he's already doing that very well - just a little help to navigate the landing. We were also working on some signs with him. This month he learned "arms up" and "arms down". He thinks this is great and will occasionally throw his arms up in the air and say "up, up, up" when he's ready to go upstairs. I suppose it really sounds more like "upupup" - not three clearly defined words, but we'll take what we can get at this point.

Speaking of talking, he loves the phone! I can't talk on the telephone unless I put it on speaker so that he can hear too - and then he still wants the phone. I've been trying to give him a toy phone, or the old cell phone that I took the battery out of. He loves to play with those in general, but he knows the difference and prefers the real one.

This month we've also found new toileting success. After about 5 weeks of a "potty strike" he's finally using the toilet again. Michael and I were thrilled because up to that point we had not changed more than a few dirty diapers since he was 6 weeks old! After a month of no toileting, we'd had more than enough of the dirty diaper thing. We finally figured out that he wasn't comfortable sitting on the child seat on the large toilet, so we got him a potty chair. I think he likes not being so far from the ground, and because of that, he will actually relax. Since using the new potty, he's only had one BM in his diaper. Peeing is a little more difficult. I'm just not brave enough to leave a diaper off all day, so I don't always catch him before he goes. Still, he does well enough with timed toileting that we often only use a couple of diapers during the day.

OK, that was probably way too much info for some, especially since I haven't talked about infant toileting on the blog before. It's a major accomplishment, though, and I'm very proud of how well he does.

This month Isaac received a new leather rocker/recliner from my parents for Christmas. It's so cute, and he just loves it. I'm glad to get rid of the infant seats because he was getting too big for them. He loves to rock when the music is on, and he also loves to kick back and just lounge around in the chair - you'll see him doing this in some of the pictures.

Isaac also had his first haircut this month. I took him to Snip Its. They are set up specifically for kids - toys, bright colors, and a video screen at every hair station. He did so well, even when the hair was itching his nose. Fortunately, I've taught him "be still" so that I can clean his ears, put drops in his ears after swimming, or take his temperature. Of course he doesn't stay still very long, but usually long enough for me to get the task done. That skill was very useful when she was cutting around his ears; she was impressed when he sat so perfectly still. When she finished he got a toy and a "First Haircut" certificate. I was pleased that it went so well.

He still loves school. He often doesn't want to leave when I get there. He just wants me to come and play too. He has a little girlfriend there. She's a little older, and already walking. When I dropped him off one morning she dropped everything as soon as she saw him, and came running over to give him kisses and hold his hand. It was too cute!

He also got to see Santa at school. It was not scheduled, so I didn't get a chance to go over and take pictures. His teacher took some pictures, though, and has promised to send them to me. She told me that he was very interested in Santa, and just kept staring at him, but never cried. Santa gave him a wooden airplane in Isaac's favorite color - blue. How did Santa know that!?!

That wraps up another month of firsts, and continuing milestones. I can't wait to see what he does next!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Isaac at 9 months

Isaac is 9 months old, and this month we have seen even more of his personality emerge. He can be so determined when he sets his mind to something. Crawling is now done in hyper-mode, because he can no longer do anything slowly - unless of course you really want him to go fast and then he seems to move in reverse!

He was given a clean bill of health at his 9-month check up. He's 31.5 inches tall and weighs 24 lbs 4 oz. He's actually on the chart at the 95th percentile - instead of somewhere above the chart as he's been in the past.

Two new teeth made their appearance this month - one on top and one on bottom, which is very odd but adorable, so we'll go with it. Even with only two teeth he has been eating more finger foods. I think he likes being able to have some control over his environment (I have absolutely no idea where he gets that). Rice puffs and green beans are his favorite, but we've also tried scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and bananas. The problem with most finger foods is that they still need to be rather soft, and though he doesn't mind the texture in his mouth, he hates it on his fingers. Apparently I have a child who doesn't want to get his hands dirty. So, we've started using the toddler spoon instead of fingers for those really sticky things and he likes that much better.

His new found mobility has changed the way he plays, and it is so funny to watch him. He loves to pull up on toys and furniture and he's started to take a few steps around the tables. Our entire living room now seems like his personal obstacle course. He crawls over, under and around everything. He has a three-section play wall upstairs and he loves standing up, hiding behind it, and crawling through each section. He also enjoys walking with his push toy. There are days when he never tires of it, so we do what feels like a million laps around the house. Now that he's learning to walk with something for balance he tries to use everything like a push toy - like his infant seat, toy basket, a box, or the laundry basket. He has also started using every toy like a car - pushing it back and forth on the floor. It's so cute to watch him try to move Michael's huge shoes that way!

Even toys that he liked before have become more enjoyable for him as he begins to understand that he can do more than bang things together and put them in his mouth, though he still does a fair bit of both. The way he plays the piano now is really quite musical most of the time. Instead of just banging on the keys he's starting to rock his hands in a rhythmic way as though trying to mimic the actions he sees us making. He loves his little playhouse, and knows how to turn the "radio" on so that it will sing songs to him. He also loves ringing the doorbell and listening to the sound and watching the light go on; I have some pictures of him crawling through the door just to ring the bell.

Last month we were working on waving and other signs. He's got waving down - and now uses it to mean everything - hello/goodbye, more, hungry, all done, tired, etc. Every time we try to get him to sign, he waves. I shouldn't complain; at least he's trying to communicate! I think so many things will be better once we can establish a higher level of communication.

Now that he's mastered going up the stairs, we've been working with him on how to go down. He's making progress, but I thing the language barrier gets in the way. If only the boy understood English!

We finally had to set up a computer just for Isaac. Michael and I aren't able to do anything computer-related if Isaac is around because he is so fascinated by what we are doing that he wants to "help". So, we got out an old laptop and installed some baby/toddler software for him. He loves it! He knows where to go when he wants to play with his computer, and we don't have to worry about his trying to climb onto the chair, desk, etc while we're using ours. Now if we could just convince him to leave the mouse on the desk instead of trying to chew on it...

Sometimes he surprises me though. We put up the Christmas tree and decorations last weekend. I was afraid that it might be a constant fight to get him to stay away from the tree, but after telling him no a few times he seemed to get the idea. He's still curious and we still have to remind him occasionally, but for the most part, he just wants to look at it. This morning I looked over to see him waving at the tree. I'm not sure if he was saying "Hello", "Goodbye", or "How are ya?", but he looked happy, so we'll just leave it at that and hope that his curiosity doesn't get the better of him while the tree continues to invade his space for the next month!

Overall, it's been another great month, and after looking back at all of the notes (mostly his accomplishments noted on Facebook) I can't believe how many new things he's started doing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Isaac Crawling up the Stairs like a Pro

I know I just recently put up a video showing Isaac's progression to crawling, and in fact, he's crawling even faster now – I didn't think it was possible! Immediately after, he found the stairs, so this video is a montage of his progress to crawling up the stairs.

Yesterday he decided to go up, and he just started. I had the video camera in hand since I was videoing some other stuff, so I got to get the whole thing in one take! Then this afternoon, Andrea and I were watching SNL at lunch and he was playing around us on the floor. He just got bored, I guess, and started up again. This time I didn't have the camera, so I just followed behind him at the bottom of the stairs. He apparently didn't have any goal in mind except getting upstairs to his toys in the loft!

Halloween 2009

Michael had to be out of town on Halloween, but Isaac and I had a great time at Tom and Stepho's annual Halloween bash. It was a beautiful evening for trick-or-treating. Isaac enjoyed watching all the people - he especially loves kids, so it was a perfect activity for him. He got rave reviews on his spider costume. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures of him that evening - video was easier. Enjoy the pics, and I'm sure that Michael will post the video soon.

I've added a video of the evening as well. So sorry I missed it!
-- Michael

Friday, October 30, 2009

Isaac's First Halloween at the office

Isaac is going to be a spider for his first Halloween. Today was our Halloween party at work, so we dressed him up and had him wandering around the office.

Andrea made an awesome first Halloween costume!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Isaac at 8 months

I cannot believe how much has changed in the past month! Isaac has gone from being an immobile baby, to an active busy little boy! He's crawling like a pro, and can sit up all by himself. He's pulling up on toys and furniture and loves to chase the Roomba! He loves to blow raspberries, and turn the pages of his books. He also climbs the stairs like a little monkey - we've started doing this every night before his bath.

He's always been a happy baby, but he seems even more content now that he can just move from place to place. The only bad thing that's developed over the past month is some stranger anxiety. Unfortunately, there are times when ONLY Mom will do, especially in the evening, and it can be frustrating and exhausting for everyone. We're working on it, and I'm hoping that he grows out of that soon.

We're also working on getting him to clap, wave, and sign. We've always signed a few words to him, but lately he seems very interested in everything we're saying and doing. So, we've really increased the number of words we sign to him. He'll even let me move his hands through some signs, and understands what happens after we do certain signs, but he hasn't made any signs on his own yet. The other thing we're trying to teach him is the meaning of "No". He does really well most of the time. I love to watch him crawl up to something that he knows is off limits, like the stereo. He'll sit and stare at it for a few minutes, and maybe even look around to see if anyone is watching him. Then, he'll give a little sigh, and change directions to crawl to one of his toys instead. So many things about being a parent are rewarding, but when you actually witness the beginnings of impulse control, there is some part of you that just wants to jump up and down and scream "Yes! He's getting it! I'm teaching him that!"

One thing he's been doing lately is making funny faces. He's started scrunching up his nose when he smiles, and since he doesn't have any teeth, he looks like a little old toothless man. There are a few pictures in the album of him making funny faces. Enjoy!

Monday, October 19, 2009

One month later and Isaac is crawling like a pro

It has just been a month after the last video, and Isaac is crawling around like crazy. We can't keep him contained anymore! It's awesome -- he seems so much happier now that he can do what he wants.

I'm sure Andrea will put up more 8-month data over the next few days, but here's a little video of the progression of Isaac's crawling.

Original video

Monday, September 21, 2009

Isaac is almost crawling

He's so close! All he needs to do is figure out how to move forward! Check out our little superhero in the video below:

Isaac Almost Crawling

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Trip to Missouri

King Family Gathering 2009-09-11

Reagan Family Gathering and 5 Generations

Last week Isaac and I made a trip to Missouri to visit with extended family. He tolerated the trip so well - especially considering he had a bit of a cold when we left and a full blown ear infection by the time we got home. Because he got sick while we were there, we didn't get to visit as much as we would have liked, but we still had a great time. Mom and Dad met us there, so Isaac got to meet my dad for the first time. He loved stealing Dad's hat, and then pulling his hair! Of course, I think Grandpa loved every minute!

We spent Friday evening with Dad's side of the family. I can't believe how many kids we have in our family! Wow! Sometimes it's weird. It seems like just yesterday we were the kids...time flies.

On Friday and Saturday afternoons we went to visit Isaac's great-great-grandma Rachel. She was thrilled to meet him, and he thought she was wonderful! I love the pictures of the two of them together! Mom and Pop went with us on Saturday, so we were able to snap a quick five-generation picture while we were there.

Saturday evening we spent with Mom's family. We enjoyed the visit, but I didn't take as many pictures as I would have like since Isaac got really sick that night. We spent all day Sunday just trying to keep his fever down, and trying to make him comfortable.

Despite being sick, Isaac was so good on the return flight. At the airport and on the plane he charming every person within a 10 foot radius of anywhere we happened to be. Overall, it was a nice visit. Thanks to all the family for making time to visit with us. Hopefully no one will get sick the next time we visit, and we'll get to spend more time with you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Isaac at 6 months

Isaac at 6 months

Our little boy is growing up so fast! At is 6 month check he was 22lbs 2oz and 30 1/2 inches long - still over the the 95 percentile! Last week I packed away all of the 12 month clothes. I can't believe my 6 month old is wearing 18 month clothes! It's really no wonder that my back hurts!

We've been spending a lot of time on the floor over the past few weeks. He sits for long periods of time completely unassisted, and he's lunging for things that catch his interest. He's a mover! He can stretch, roll, and army crawl anywhere he wants to go. I think he wants to crawl, but hasn't quite figured it out yet. He has managed to get up on all fours a few times, but when he does he only succeeds in going backward. Of course that frustrates him, so he just goes back to the army crawl on his belly.

He's developing such a little personality. He loves feet - his own, or someone else's...especially if they have painted toenails. He loves to talk, and stand, and jump. He loves it when anyone makes funny noises at him. Oh, and he loves to sing! I always sing along when I play the piano for him, so yesterday when he was playing his piano he was singing too. It was adorable!

We are beginning to realize just how determined he can be too. When he's on the floor and catches sight of his infant seat, he becomes totally fixated on it. He will scoot, roll, and stretch until he can reach it. Then, he will work and work to move it around so that he can reach the switch on the front that turns the vibration on. Then he turns is on, and is content to move on to the next thing. It's so funny to watch him work so hard toward his goal!

He's been going to Spanish School twice a week for the past month, and he loves it there! His face lights up each time we walk into the classroom and he sees Ms. LuLu, his teacher. The only bad thing about it is that we've had 2 colds already - and I do mean "we". He brings it home to all the rest of us. Oh, well, I'm sure at some point he'll build up an immunity to all the bugs floating around there. It just sucks in the mean time.

Isaac and I are getting ready for a trip to Fredericktown to visit with family and friends. Mom and Dad are meeting us there, so Isaac will finally get to meet another grandpa! I'm also looking forward to seeing everyone, and getting to introduce him to the extended family. I'm so excited for him to meet his great-grandfather, and his great-great-grandmother! How special!

I've taken some video over the past month, but it hasn't been edited yet. I realized when I was getting ready to write a blog this weekend that I hadn't taken any pictures of him over the past month - how unlike me! So, we tried to take a few over the weekend to post so that everyone can see how much he's grown. I'm sure that I'll have a lot more pictures to post when we get back from our trip! Enjoy!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Isaac at 5 months

Oh my goodness, I can't believe I forgot to post this last month after the moms were here! We just can't believe how quickly our little boy is growing up! When these pictures where taken he was rolling over really well, and could sit for quite a long time before toppling over, and even then he would just crawl onto his tummy to play.

His Grand-mère (my mom) and Oma-Nana (Michael's mom) were both here on his 5 month birthday, and I know that they were both in awe of how much he's grown in the 4 months since they last saw him.

We took the moms on a driving tour of Austin, and out to eat at Oasis, so they could see the lake (although, it's not much to look at right now because it's so low). Michael and I also took advantage of having some extra hands around. We were able to get out for a date night - Harry Potter at the Alamo Drafthouse! We had a great time.

We tried to take a lot of pictures and video, and I even scavenged some pictures from their cameras before they left so that I could include them in the album.

The only bad part about the weekend was that I was fighting a cold. By the time they left, it had turned into a full blown sinus infection. Michael ended up having to stay home for a couple of days to take care of Isaac so that I could get well.

Enjoy the pics and the video, and I'll try to get some more recent ones up soon!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Isaac Playing Piano

Isaac has always enjoyed sitting at the piano and listening to us play. Now he's finally getting in on the action a bit. We can't wait until he's old enough to start lessons in earnest.

Isaac Playing Piano

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rose Garden - Golden Gate Park

Rose Garden - Golden Gate Park

I took so many pictures at the rose garden that I decided to put them in a separate album. I love taking pictures of flowers, so I went a little crazy! They turned out beautifully, though, so I hope you enjoy them!

San Francisco 2009

San Francisco 2009

I know it's taken me forever to blog about our vacation, but last month was just crazy - recovering from back to back company and travel, then the moms came for a visit, then I got sick. Basically July was rough for me! But, things are getting back to normal now, so I wanted to share stories and pictures!

We went to SF at the end of June to see Tom and Stephannie before they made the move back to Austin. We had a fabulous time! I will admit that I was worried about the flight with a four and a half month old, but he was stellar for the entire trip! We arrived in the evening, and by about 3pm the next day he had adapted his schedule to the new time zone and that was that. On the way home we had to wake him early for our flight, so he was already back on track for our time zone once we got back!

Stepho was a wonderful tour guide, she drove us all around the city on our first day, showing us the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, Pier 39, the Boudin Sourdough Company, and the Cowgirl Creamery (for artisan cheese to go with our sourdough).

On Saturday we went downtown to the farmer's market, and to see Tom's office. Then we went to the Asian Art Museum for the Lords of the Samurai exhibit. It was very interesting. Isaac enjoyed looking around in the museum too!

Of course we chose a great time to visit San Francisco, during the Pride Celebration. So, outside the art museum it was like a street fair with food and booths. It made for some very interesting people watching opportunities. We also found an It's-It booth, so we were able to experience this legendary San Francisco treat for ourselves...yummy.

On Sunday we went to the Pride Parade. We had a lot of fun. It was as entertaining to watch the spectators as it was the parade entries! I have a ton of pictures from the parade, but I haven't gotten through them all yet. I'll put them up in a separate post once I get through them all.

After the parade Tom and Stephannie took us to Golden Gate Park. We saw the California Academy of Science building where Stephannie volunteers, and we went up into the tower of the De Young Museum for a bird's eye view of the city. We didn't get to see all of the park because it's so huge, but we did visit a beautiful little rose garden.

We got up early on Monday morning to fly back to Austin, and the flight was thankfully non eventful. Isaac enjoyed looking around for a while, and when it was nap time, I just tucked him into the sling and he went right to sleep. We couldn't have asked for a better first trip with the baby! Thanks again to Tom and Stephannie for being such wonderful hosts and showing us around. We had the best time! :-)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Isaac Laughing at Andrea's Peek-a-boo

Here's a short clip of Andrea doing "Peek-a-boo" with Isaac. He loves it!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Isaac Rolls Over!

Isaac has rolled over in the morning from front-to-back a few times, but this is the first time we actually saw it! Then it took a couple more times to get it on video.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Isaac at 4 months

Isaac at 4 months

This last month has just flown by! I was just looking back at Isaac's 3-month pictures, and it's amazing how much he's grown! I haven't weighed or measured him in over a week, but the last time I did he was 27 inches long and about 19 or 20 lbs! He's already outgrown some of his 6-9 month clothes! It's a little depressing to be putting 12 month clothes on my 4 month old! He's just growing so fast!

His teeth seem to be giving him a break, but I'm sure that we'll be reminded of their presence soon enough! Because he hasn't been as fussy, though, we've rearranged our evening routine a little so that we can work on our language lessons when he's awake! He enjoys listening to the native Spanish and French speakers, but I think he finds it more amusing listening to us try to pronounce the same phrases! We've also been able to move our dinner back to a normal time - no more eating at 8 or 9 at night! Of course the great thing about that is being able to go to bed when he does - every night this week we tuck him in, and then climb into bed ourselves! Getting a full 8+ hours of sleep every night has been SOOOO nice!

It's gotten hot, and for those of you who don't know Austin, that means that it's already over a 100 degrees every single day! So, needless to say, we haven't been walking much. Now that we're going to sleep earlier, I should get up and walk in the morning before Isaac wakes up, but I just haven't been motivated enough to do that yet. Sleep always sounds so much better at 6am!

We have been swimming almost every day, though, and he's learned to splash. I don't mean a little accidental splash. I mean entire-body-thrashing-around-and-getting-everything-within-a-5-foot-radius-soaking-wet kind of splashing! Unfortunately, now that he's learned this new skill, he's decided to do this in the bathtub as well. Last night I think he had more water outside the tub (including all over me) than he did inside! Of course, it would probably help if I could keep a straight face while he's doing it. Maybe then he wouldn't be encouraged to continue, but he just looks so darn cute, and very, very pleased with himself!

This month we've had some visits from family and friends, and he has been a trooper through it all. He just loves people, and so, of course, the extra attention was right up his alley. I'm hoping that he does as well during our trip to San Francisco! We're leaving tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous about how he'll do on his very first flight! At least it's a direct flight from Austin to SF - I'm not sure that I'm ready for that layover at DFW! I told Michael the other day that our 30-minute layovers are history. I can't imagine carting Isaac, the stroller, and all his other stuff around even in a 1-hour layover!

The other exciting development this month is that we've just started him on solid foods. It took him a few days to really get the hang of it, but now he's really enjoying it! I can't wait to introduce him to all of that yummy homemade baby food I've been making for him!

That's about it this month. Enjoy his 4-month pictures from this last weekend! I'll make sure to post again about our trip to SF once we get back.

Nick and Kara Visit Austin

Nick and Kara Visit Austin

Nick and Kara, our friends from Kansas City, took their family vacation to Texas this year. They were able to stop by this weekend, and we're so glad they did! It was great to see how much Jack has grown since we saw him last summer! I should have taken more pictures of the three of them together, but Jack just seems to steal the show. It's so easy to get wrapped up in him and every cute little thing he does - I'm sure his mother understands, huh Kara?

We also loved getting to play games with them. It's been a while since Michael and I were able to play games at all, so it was so nice to have some grown up time after the kids went to bed!

I'm so glad they were able to stop by - we had such a great visit!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Billy and Nicole Visit Austin

Billy and Nicole Visit Austin

Billy and Nic were here with Brent and Dani last week. They took their summer vacation to Texas, and really had 3 mini vacations all in one. They stopped to see Lyndie on their way down, then spent a few days at our house before going to San Antonio for Sea World, The Alamo, and The River Walk. It was a busy trip for them, but I'm so glad that they were able to spend a few days visiting with us. It was so fun to play with Brent and Dani and see how much they've grown. Of course, it was also nice that all 3 kids are on the same nap schedule, so we had 2 hours of quiet grown up conversation every afternoon!

I loved seeing how excited Brent and Dani were to meet their new cousin. It was so cute to see Dani point to Isaac and say, "That's a baby." Brent was very adamant about Isaac being his cousin. At one point Nicole was holding Isaac and Brent told her that she couldn't hold HIS cousin.

Isaac loved all the extra attention, of course - entertainment from the kids, hugs and cuddles from Aunt Nickie, and rockin' good times playing funny sounds and faces with Uncle Billy. For some reason he thought Billy was hilarious...although, now that I think about it, I guess I can understand that! :-)

We explored a cave, played outside, colored, went swimming, and Michael even stayed home with ALL THREE kids one morning so that I could take Billy and Nic on a drive around Austin...and they didn't burn down the house! They actually had a great time decorating bags with stickers, and playing chess with "Uncle".

I know it was a long trip for them, but it was such a great time. Thanks for coming to visit guys! We had so much fun!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Isaac at 15 weeks

Isaac 15 weeks

The past week has been a busy one for us. Since the hail storm a couple of months back, pretty much every house in our neighborhood, ours included, needs a new roof. Unfortunately it's hard to convince your child to sleep when he hears the constant banging, and nail guns all around him. So, we just got out of the house - every day! It's not easy being away from the house all day when you have a little one, but we managed just fine. It was good to get out and get a few things done that I've been putting off for a while.

On Friday we met up with Angie and Gaby to check out the Blanton Art Museum. We didn't get to see everything, though, so we'll have to go back and see it again. Angie and I had a nice visit sipping our coffee outside the cafe while the kids slept - it was such a beautiful day!

Over the past couple of weeks we've introduced a 5-senses activity with Isaac. We show him a picture of a fruit, a card with the name of the fruit printed on it, show him the actual fruit and let him touch it, then smell it, and finally we use a Q-tip to let him just have a little taste of the fruit. We do one fruit for 3-5 days, just to make sure that he doesn't have any type of allergic reaction, then we move on to the next one. He has really enjoyed this activity. So far we've done apple, banana, grapes, and orange. This weekend we started pineapple, and I had to take a picture of him checking out the pineapple - so cute!

With Michael's help, I was also able to get some pictures of our little fish in the water this weekend. He always has such a good time swimming, but he rarely has a good time when we have to get out of the water. I think it's a combination of him getting tired, getting cool when we're out of the water, and generally just being pissed off that we don't get to swim any longer! Once he's wrapped up in a fluffy towel and cuddled for a few minutes, though, he's much better.

We had a great weekend just hanging out at home. I made 6 weeks worth of baby food to put in the freezer! YAY! I'm so excited to start solid foods with him soon! I also made Michael a birthday cake, and Isaac and I gave him his presents a day early so that he could enjoy them on his day off.

This week I need to stay home more and get some things done around here before Billy, Nic, Brent, and Dani arrive on Sunday. I'm looking forward to their visit, just not looking forward to the almost 100 degree temps they're forecasting for the next week and a half. Oh well, just another great excuse to swim, and I'm sure Brent and Dani will enjoy that as much as Isaac!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Isaac at 3 months

Isaac at 3 months

Our little man is growing so fast! He's already wearing 6-9 month clothes and the boy is only 3 months old! In the past few weeks he's gotten so much stronger! He loves to stand, and because he wants to do it so much, he's getting much better at trying to balance himself. He also loves playing "The Tongue Game", which drives Michael crazy! I think it's funny to watch him stick out his tongue and wait for you to do it as well - then he just smiles! He's even laughed several times - mostly when we're playing this game.

He's also been enjoying his new activity jumper. At first I thought it might be too advanced for him, but he really loves it. He's figured out how to move some of the pieces around, and how to hit the hanging toys. He gets so excited when he's spinning that little green frog around!

Speaking of frogs, my little "puppy, monkey, frog-boy" mutant child has officially turned into a fish! The boy LOVES to swim. I wish I had some pictures of him in the water, but I have my hands full when he's swimming! We had been swimming in the garden tub in the bathroom, but since he's 26 inches and 17+ pounds, it was getting a little crowded in the tub for both of us - especially since he's decided that he wants to be moving in the water! So, we bought a swimming pool for the back yard - it will probably save us a fortune compared to filling up that big bathtub every day! The pool isn't huge - 10ft round and 30 in deep. It's just perfect for all three of us to be in and still have room to move around. Of course since we put up the pool this weekend, it's been cool and rainy - figures! He didn't like it at all yesterday. I think the water was still just a little too cool for him, so we got out almost as soon as we got in. Today, though, the water was much warmer and we ended up swimming for about 45 minutes! He loved having Michael in the pool with us, and it took him all of 2 minutes to figure out how to splash water on us. He thought that was great fun, and I just thought it was fun to hear him laugh and squeal in delight!

We've still been walking too, and now when we go out either for a walk or a ride in the car, he's wearing his shades. He looks so cute in them! He didn't like them at first, but now he's getting used to them. I think he's figured out that it's better than having the sun in his eyes.

We've been working on getting him to roll over, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. He's just a little lazy about some things. He's perfectly content to be on his back or his tummy and not try to roll over. And if we try to prop him on his side he will squirm around so that he's either on his back or his tummy. So we've been trying to entice him with different toys, trying to get him interested in something enough to want to reach for it. We've had some luck with his WowWee robotic tiger cub. He's been fascinated by it. He reaches out for it and then if he gets it he wants to either cuddle with it, or chew it. There are a couple of cute pictures in the album of him with his tiger.

On Saturday I Michael took care of Isaac most of the day so that I could get meals in the freezer and prep some things for the Memorial Day BBQ. That evening he couldn't figure out why his back hurt! I laughed and said something to the effect of "Welcome to my world!" and told him to take some Advil. You don't really think about how much of a workout it is to lift and carry 17 pounds of dead weight around all day! My arms should be nice and toned by the end of summer! I will say that even though Michael was sore at the end of the day, he did a terrific job with Isaac! It was so nice to get things done without having to stop in the middle of something to care for Isaac. So, because of Michael's hard work, I put 13 meals and two huge batches of cookies in the freezer.

One batch of cookies was for the Memorial Day BBQ we attended yesterday at Chez Lo-Francis. I made 6 dozen red, white, and blue sugar cookies, and 12 dozen butter mints. Michael made his famous potato salad. Everything we took got rave reviews, and now I need to send some recipes to Cindy. We had a great time at the BBQ - thanks to Cindy and Scott for hosting! Isaac was angel while we were there! We weren't really sure how he would do since we were there during the whole of his long nap time, but he did much better than we expected him too. He was quiet, happy, smiling, or sound asleep the whole time - beautiful!

We've established a routine that seems to work for all of us, at least for now. Having a routine has been so helpful when I need to leave Isaac with Michael, or if Michael and I want to go out and leave Isaac with Sarah - Michael's co-worker who babysits for us occasionally. It's so nice for everyone to know what to expect, and it helps me not to worry when I'm away from him. We're also learning to be flexible, though, when something comes up. Lately that "something" has mostly been teething. One of his front bottom teeth is trying to come through and sometimes it really bothers him. Of course then there are days like today when the "something" is the car not starting while we're out trying to run errands! I thought he would get really cranky since we were getting close to nap time, but he happily played with me for a while and then, when I put him back in the car seat, he went right to sleep. Of course once we got home it took him a few minutes to settle down again and go to sleep in the crib, but overall, not a bad experience...thankfully!

So, that's our boy at 3 months - growing like a weed, learning something new everyday, and generally a happy baby! Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Isaac at 10 Weeks

Isaac 10 weeks

I can not believe I'm two weeks behind in getting this post up - where does the time go?!? These pictures were taken two weeks ago when Isaac was 10 weeks old. Michael's dad came down to see his new grandson, and the two of them hit it off very well. Isaac was very quiet and curious at first, but it didn't take long for him to warm up to grandpa. They had a great time laughing and talking all weekend! I'm so glad that Steve was able to come for a visit! We all had a great time.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's a Beautiful Morning with Isaac

Just a short video of Andrea singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" to Isaac. She does this every morning.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Play Dates

Play Dates

This week Isaac met two new playmates! Of course, I suppose "playmate" is a relative term - the babies all seemed pretty much oblivious of one another. The moms on the other hand had a very nice time visiting!

Angie brought Gaby over on Thursday. She is two and a half weeks younger than Isaac, and looks so tiny in comparison! She is a beautiful little girl, and was full of smiles when we put her on the blanket to play with Isaac. He was starting to get tired, so he wasn't really in a smiling mood.

On Friday, Lisa and Parker came to see us. Parker was born about a week and a half after Isaac. Parker is such a cutie; he has the most beautiful blue eyes! We had them both playing on the playmat and they looked so cute. They were both much more interested in the toys hanging over them than they were in each other.

I enjoyed getting to visit with Angie and Lisa. It was nice to catch up and share "war" stories. I think it made us all feel a little more human, and not like worn out mommies! Brita was going to come over too, but she and Naomi weren't feeling well this week. Hopefully they will get better soon so that we can see them. We hope to get to visit with Angie, Gaby, Lisa, and Parker again soon as well. We had a lot of fun this week!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Isaac at 9 weeks

Isaac 9 weeks

Isaac was 9 weeks old on Saturday, so I thought I'd give everyone a brief update on how he's doing. He's laughing and cooing more, enjoys playing by himself for longer periods, and is definitely seeing more detail in the world around him. He's fascinated by his hands, but can't quite figure out how to get them to do what he wants. He discovered the mirror at the piano on Monday and sat there in my lap for the longest time just staring at himself. We've also introduced a lot more color and detail into his play area and he seems to be enjoying the new scenery.

As great as all of these new developments are, I have to say there is none greater than the fact that he's been sleeping through the night for the past 2 weeks! And I don't mean just 5 or 6 hours, which some people consider "through the night"! No, our boy goes to bed around 8pm and sleeps until I wake him at 11:30 for his last feeding. After that he goes right back to sleep until 7 or 8 in the morning! It's so nice to get several hours of uninterrupted sleep - especially since I haven't taken an afternoon nap since the moms were here!

Before I go on, I want to comment on a couple of the pictures that you'll see in this gallery. First the little yellow outfit he's wearing in a couple of the photos belonged to my father, and was also worn by my brother. Thanks mom for sending the vintage outfit so that Isaac could wear it too! You'll also see a couple pictures of the beautiful Ragedy Ann and Ragedy Andy quilt that Baby Donna (my aunt for those of you who are confused by the nickname) made for Isaac. Thank you so much Baby D for the beautiful quilt! We love it!

OK, now for other exciting news. I've been looking forward to the end of this week. We're having our first official "play date" which at this point is certainly more for the moms than the babies, but that's OK. Whatever it takes to keep up all sane! I've also been working on a few craft projects, but that's another post. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of the finished products and get them up by the weekend.

Speaking of the weekend, we're looking forward to Grandpa Steve's visit! He's driving down on Friday or Saturday and staying for the weekend. I'm sure that he's looking forward to seeing his new grandson. I've got the camera charged up and ready to go for lots of photo ops, Steve!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Life in Black and White

I've always been a color person - blue especially. So when we discovered we were expecting, I wanted to paint the nursery blue. Unfortunately, I didn't feel up to painting during the first part of my pregnancy. By the time I felt better, Michael had convinced me just to leave the room white (it had just been painted before we moved in). I was unconvinced at first, but eventually the idea grew on me.

Many studies have shown that newborns see black and white images better than color images for the first few months of life. Black and White provides a sharp contrast which allows the baby to better develop his visual acuity and convergence (getting the eyes to work together to focus on a given object).

So we got dark furniture and black curtains for the nursery. I pulled out the black and white rug we got in London. I did some black and white art projects for the walls. We hung up a mobile with black and white images for him to look at. I made black and white checkerboards for the corner and pulled out the black and white infant stimulation cards to give Isaac something to see when he was on the floor. Basically I just ran with the black and white theme!

Then other day I looked around and realized that the black and white had slowly taken over the whole loft! Almost everything we do is in black and white! No wonder Isaac wants to look around so much - there are so many things that are easy for him to see!

Because I thought it was funny how much the black and white theme has taken over my life, I took some pictures to illustrate just how much black and white I see every day! I left out the pictures of the nursery because I included them in the Isaac at 6 weeks post, so you can go check them out if you missed them.

Isaac's favorite black and white object is, by far, the piano! He loves it! He can be fussy, even almost asleep, but when he sees or hears the piano he's instantly awake and ready to play! I think that it's the best infant stimulation activity there is. It's great for auditory, tactile, and visual stimulation, plus he gets to sit in my lap and be cuddled while we play!

I think that the black and white theme has been as good for me as it is for Isaac. It's clean and simple and seems uncluttered, which is good because it inspires me to make the rest of my life simple and uncluttered as well. All in all black and white has been a good thing, but I'm also excited that he's seeing well because next week....Color!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Mutant Child

Isaac 2009-04-09

Have you ever noticed that some babies are just not cute? I had the misfortune of witnessing a woman having a meltdown in Wal-Mart this week because her sister's baby was "just not cute". She was lamenting that fact to her significant other and said that she was "tired of the lies." It was really quite comical, until she looked at my quiet, sleeping baby in the cart and declared, "There! Look at that baby! He's cute! Why couldn't she have a cute baby like that?!" before she dissolved into another round of hysterical crying.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Isaac isn't cute. It's just that I'm his mother and therefore my vote on such things doesn't count. The reality is that most babies - especially when they are newborns are not cute at all, but rather seem like some weird human/animal/alien hybrid.

My own child was not immune to this strange phenomenon. I remember holding him in the hospital the day after he was born, and telling my mother on the phone about his freakishly large hands and feet. I told her he must be part puppy and that hopefully he'd grow into them someday.

Then we brought him home only to discover that having large paws was not the only mutant gene he had. When you hold him close to you for more than a second he grabs a fist full of shirt (and in Michael's case sometimes its shirt and/or chest hair!) and hangs on for dear life like a little monkey! You literally have to pry his fingers apart to get him to let go - and even then you're prying one hand open only to find that he's reattached his vise-like grip with the hand you freed five seconds ago!

Then there's the frog gene. This one is really strange as we're not sure if its from a real frog, a video game, or Kermit himself! I have a picture of him lying on his stomach in classic frog pose - with arms and legs bent. When he does that I can't help but be reminded of playing Frogger on my brothers Atari as a child. Oh, and when he's hungry he does what we now refer to as "the bobbing frog". I swear he looks just like Kermit head-banging to some rock music!

Isaac will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. Yesterday we took advantage of his terrific mood and had a little photo shoot. As I was reviewing all the pictures, I noticed that his hands and feet don't look so large any more. Then I thought that he hasn't done the bobbing frog with as much gusto as he once did. Is he outgrowing his mutant genes? I wonder how long it will be before we say good-bye to the puppy-monkey-frog-boy and are left with just a normal little boy instead...

...but then again he is the product Michael and me, so there are probably no worries about him ever being "normal" right? :-)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Isaac at 6 weeks

Isaac at 6 weeks

The only thing I've blogged about lately has been Isaac, but that's just the major thing that occupies my mind and my time these days. Maybe someday I'll discover I have a life again, but in the meantime enjoy the stories about our son!

This was a busy week for us. Isaac went with me for my chiropractor appointment this week. Dr Edwards loved him, and he was just mesmerized by her. Her partner/sister, Dr. Hogan, got to hold him a bit too. They were both happy to finally get to meet him - they were both so supportive and encouraging throughout my pregnancy. I honestly don't know what I would have done without them over the past year!

We also went to see the midwife, Michelle, for our 6 week checkup on Thursday. He had grown quite a lot since Michelle and Scottie saw him last; he weighed in at 12lbs 11oz! He's growing so fast! He and I were both given a clean bill of health, and then we had a few photo opps before we had to say goodbye. I know that we no longer need Michelle's professional services, but hopefully we'll stay in touch!

At home we are settling into routines. I think we're training each other as we go along! I took a few pictures of Isaac on his play mat - a favorite activity, especially in the morning - and also a few of him sitting in his new Bumbo chair. He absolutely loves that thing! He likes sitting up and being able to look around!

I finally took some pictures of the nursery. I know some of you have asked me to, but I just kept forgetting. I will say that I'm happier with the Black/White color scheme than I thought I would be! It worked well - especially since it meant not having to paint! Isaac loves it - lots of visual contrast for him! I finished the art project for the walls right after he was born - another one of those things I left until the last minute! They turned out well, though, and were super easy. Isaac's favorite is the one right next to the dresser. He can see the big white dots very easily.

Last night we went out for what I've been calling our Friday night "Family Date". After our evening routine we take him out to dinner with us. He's so good - usually sleeps or just opens his eyes and looks around. It so nice to be able to get out like that and not have a screaming child the whole time!

Isaac certainly keeps us busy, but he's also helping to keep us in shape. We walk about 2.5 miles every evening, and lifting 12lbs 11oz of baby all day is certainly starting to strengthen my upper body.

That's about all that's going on in our lives right now. It will be interesting to go to the doctor in a couple of weeks for his 2 month check up and see how much more he's grown!

Monday, March 30, 2009

I survived!

Isaac 03-27-2009

Well, I survived my first week on my own with Isaac. It was definitely a learning experience. It will take a while to figure out the best time to run errands, I think, but we did manage a trip to the grocery store and to Costco this week.

One thing we have discovered is that Isaac loves a bath, and we actually remembered to get the camera out one night last week to capture the moment! He also likes the Snugli carrier, but only if he gets to face forward! He loves to be upright and looking around all the time!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meeting the Grandmas

Isaac's Second Week

Isaac 03-19-2009

We were lucky enough to have my mom and Michael's mom each come and visit for a week. I'm so happy that they each had an opportunity to come to see Isaac so soon. I will also admit that I was spoiled by having them here. It was so nice to always have an extra pair of hands! I also got a nap every day, which was fabulous. Now that I don't always have that option, I realize even more how nice it was to have the moms around!

Both of the grandmas commented on how much he seemed to grow and change even in the week that they were each here. I think that Mom and Diana both enjoyed spending time spoiling their new grandson. Hopefully he'll get a chance to meet the rest of his grandparents soon!

We were also glad to see Tom and Stephannie while they were back in Austin. They brought Isaac a beautiful little Baby Gap sleeper - it's a size 3-6 month, but he wears it now because most of the 0-3 sleepers to too small to fit his very large feet!

Now that we're all on our own for a while, we'll keep our fingers crossed that things go smoothly with our little guy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Knobs and Pulls: Building a House You Can't Afford

Knobs and Pulls

I'm convinced the people who had this house built wanted a bigger house than they could really afford. It's obvious in the total lack of "upgrades" throughout. Some things are innocuous, such as the light fixtures (as we like to call it, "low-class brass") and the faucets look like they're from the 70s (even though this house was built in '99).

But there are other things that just scream low-cost & shabby: case in point, the kitchen cabinets. First and foremost, they don't even have hardware, so good luck figuring out which side opens the cabinet doors, or just try to open a drawer quickly trying to grab the underside lip. Lame. The builders also wasted a ton of space in the corners, which we're hoping to fix at some point.

Now don't get me wrong. In some places, you just can't get this stuff when you build a house, or it's not a big deal if you do because the other houses don't have this stuff either. But in Austin, especially in the suburbs, you can easily get this stuff for a few hundred dollars when the house is built, and almost every other house on the block has them. It's also not like they were stylishly left without the knobs and pulls -- they are very poorly built cabinets and not stylish at all.

Thankfully some of these things are more easily fixed than others. I'm not exactly handy. Andrea usually does the fixing up of things around the house, but she is otherwise indisposed for a while. So, I decided to take some of this time off and put knobs and pulls on the kitchen cabinets and drawers. Tom and Stepho upgraded all of the hardware on their kitchen cabinets a while ago, and they graciously gave us all of their old hardware. This was months ago, when we first got into the house, but needless to say, I'm slow about doing these sorts of things.

We bought a template for where to drill the holes in the cabinets and drawers. It was a little off, but I made it work to get the drawer holes marked. The cabinet doors were a little harder, so I ended up drilling a hole in the template to get it in the correct place on our cabinet doors (non standard, of course).

Andrea was taking a nap, and I wanted her to verify the location of the cabinet door knobs since the doors were somewhat odd in their shape. So, I decided to start wit the drawers. After drilling a couple of the drawers, I decided to try adding the hardware. That's when I ran into the first problem: the screws weren't long enough to go through the drawer fronts. It seems that the drawers were a composite of a box and a facade, and the screws that came with the hardware weren't long enough to go through. I looked around the house for anything that would work, but alas, we had nothing. A Home Depot trip was in my near future.

I decided to stop and charge the drill to get it ready for when Andrea awoke and I could at least start on the cabinet knobs. I did a bit of work (mostly just checking e-mail at this point) and Andrea woke up shortly thereafter. I checked with her on the cabinet knob spacing and drilled one of the cabinet knob holes and checked it to verify it worked and looked good. Then she helped me drill the hole in the plastic template. Finally, I could make some progress.

I drilled all of the cabinet door holes as well as almost all of the drawer holes. Then I needed to charge the drill again. The drill I was using isn't our best: a cordless 12V Black & Decker. I have a Craftsman 18V cordless drill, but since we went to London, both batteries were worthless when we came back. So, we bought another battery for it, and of course it doesn't fit properly into the charger. We've tried getting a new charger, but they don't sell them anywhere that we can find.

So, we haven't been able to charge the battery for fear of it getting stuck in the charger again. I found one of the old batteries and compared the markings to see what the problem was. There was a notch in the new battery, but it was in a different place than on the old battery, so I took our Dremel and notched out a new hole. Yay! Next project I'll actually be able to use the better drill. But for now, I was still using the old one since the battery wouldn't be charged for a while.

I finished putting all of the knobs on the cabinets and drilled the last of the drawers while Andrea fed Isaac, and then we went to Home Depot to get the longer screws. We took one of the screws we had so we could get the correct kind. They have this awesome screw checker (I should have taken a picture) that you can use to determine the size and threading. We found the screws with a little help from the Home Depot staff, and came back home after a quick stop at the store to pick up some more supplies. Isaac does a great job at the store.

Back home, I put the pulls on the drawers. Some of them were a little more difficult because the holes weren't drilled perfectly straight. If only the B&D drill had a level on it! Oh well. I ran into another snag when I got to our corner drawers. Once I had the pull on one of them, I couldn't pull the other one out! This proved to be a pretty big dilemma...especially since I had already drilled all the holes! We decided to deal with only one of the drawers being completely useful.

Overall, not a bad little project, and I'm just happy it's finally done. The cabinets look a ton better now.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Isaac's Birth: Dad's Perspective

Isaac's First Week

Isaac's birth was a pretty amazing experience, even for me. Here's the story through my eyes. I'm not sure how much Andrea remembers about the whole experience, so I'll let her add her own story and/or comments later.

This is Andrea. I've added my thoughts and what pieces I could remember throughout the blog below. Michael's right in that I don't remember as much as he did. I'm glad he wrote the story first, so that it would be easier for me to just add to.

We ordered our new Vizio flat-screen TV a couple of weeks ago, and it was supposed to arrive on Tuesday, Feb 17th. I even hung the wall bracket in anticipation. Unfortunately, the delivery guys didn't have our phone number, so they "attempted" calling us a couple of times and "left a message", but we never even had a missed call. On Tuesday evening, we called them, gave them our number, and they assured us it would be worked out the next day. They also said they weren't sure how the delivery guys were calling us since there was no phone number on file! As to be expected, they didn't call in the morning, so Andrea called and set up a delivery appointment.

Friday!! Sometime between 1 and 5pm on Friday, to be precise (well, as precise as they would let us be). We've been waiting for this TV for a long time (like, years) because it just hasn't been high enough on our priority list. But you know how it is...once we've decided we are going to purchasing something, we want it right then. Needless to say, we were irritated. Plus, Andrea was almost full term, and we had been told two weeks before that Isaac was 10 lbs, so we wanted him to come already and we were very "waited out". For a couple of weeks, I kept expecting to get a call or a text from Andrea that Isaac was on his way and I'd have to drop everything and rush home. Nada, nothing.

On Friday, I was at least expecting to get a text in the middle of the afternoon that they had delivered the TV -- even if the storks hadn't quite delivered our son. But, as with these things, we were on the end of their list, and thus the end of the schedule. So, at the end of the day, I started heading out, closing off my open loops with people in the off chance (hope) that our son would arrive that weekend. It would also be convenient since I'd already have my laptop at home et al. Yes, I analyze everything in life for little advantages.

So I make it home at about 5:25 Friday evening and, even though I hadn't received a text or anything, I was hoping it had just arrived. Nope. Andrea told me as I walked in the door that they hadn't even called by 5, and so she called them. "It's just now 5," they said. Duh, then it should be here already. They were running late and it would be at least 6. Ugh. We were planning to go out that night, and trust me, you don't come between a pregnant woman and her food. We're about to call again at 6:20 when we heard the truck coming up the street. Yay! We waited around for them to unload the goods and go on their merry way, and we immediately took it out of the box (the box lifts off the top) and I quickly put the mounting bracket on the back of the TV. Of course, with only my pregnant wife to help lift it onto the wall, it's still sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace. It's just a bit too heavy for me to lift on my own, and now I'm thankful that I didn't even try. I probably would have thrown out my back or given myself a hernia and would have been useless during labor.

This whole fiasco just irritated the crap out of me! I don't know what these people could not understand about customer service! How hard is it to make a phone call when you know that you're going to be at least an hour past the scheduled delivery window?!?

We went out for a bite at Baby A's and finally got home around 9ish to watch a movie on our brand-new TV. I got it all set up (didn't really take much, just power and an HDMI cable) and we started watching Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (my pick). At about 10:30, about an hour into the movie, Andrea coughed pretty hard and said to me, "I think I just peed my pants." I was skeptical. In fact, I was absolutely exhilarated because I was hoping her water just broke. She came back out of the bathroom and confirmed my suspicions. We were both pretty happy, to say the least. Andrea was also shaking, probably from hormones and a bit of excitement. She called Michelle, the midwife, didn't get through, and called Scottie, her apprentice. Scottie said she would call the backup midwife, Vicky, and see whether they should go out tonight. In the excitement, we forgot that Michelle was in Dallas for the night.

Once I realized my water had broken, I was so excited! I remember shaking uncontrollably...probably in part due to hormones, but I really think at that point it was mostly just excitement - Isaac was finally going to get here! YAY!

Scottie came over to our house that night to do a quick checkup. She had no trouble finding the place because just a week earlier she had come out for a home visit. Isaac's heart tones were great, so she told Andrea to drink a glass of wine and try to get some sleep. We were supposed to call when contractions were 5 minutes apart. I think we finally got to sleep sometime around 12:30am.

I remember feeling too pumped up to even want to sleep! I just wanted to get everything going! I did try to get some rest, though, because I knew that I would need my energy very soon!

At 3:30 that morning, Andrea woke up with contractions that were 2 minutes apart! 1 minute contraction, 1 minute rest. We weren't sure whether to call Scottie yet, so we waited about half an hour. It wasn't letting up, so we called Scottie and she called us back after calling Vicky to let us know they'd be there shortly. We were well on our way! Andrea was going to have Isaac on her own birthday!

Vicky and Scottie arrived about 30-40 minutes later, and started checking heart tones and getting things set up for the home birth. Labor was difficult for Andrea because it seemed like she never really got much of a rest. Also, Isaac decided to turn into an unfavorable posterior or front-facing position, so Vicky and Scottie were making Andrea do some weird stretches during the contractions. She was not happy about that. Either that or side-lying during contractions. Andrea just wanted to labor on her yoga ball. It was definitely the most comfortable position.

I love Scottie, but I swear I would have screamed if she had me do one more weird position during labor! Do you know how hard it is to be on all fours doing an arched back "cat stretch" while you're having contractions?!? Being on my side wasn't any better either. I felt like I lost my rhythm in those positions. I don't know why, but when I could just sit on the yoga ball I felt very centered and in control - and if you know me at all you understand how important it is for me to remain in control! :-)

Isaac finally moved to the more favorable anterior or back-facing position at about 10 or 11 that morning, so things were looking up. But that's when the difficulty really set in. Andrea dilated to about 7cm and started transition. Unfortunately, because Isaac was so big and things were progressing so rapidly, he was pushing a little too hard on her cervix, and both his head and her cervix were starting to swell. Michelle was on her way from Dallas, speeding and even got a ticket, but we weren't sure she'd make it in time.

Andrea spent about 4 hours in the transition phase, and her contractions were lasting about 5 minutes, with maybe a minute of rest between, and sometimes less. She was in lots of pain and we tried having her push with her contractions to see if he could break through the cervix. But nothing was working. Finally, we decided to transfer her to the hospital before she or Isaac started to have trouble and be too risky for a vaginal birth.

This was by far the most difficult part of labor for me. Honestly, though, it wasn't because of the pain. Several things made transition difficult for me. First, was the fact that my contractions lasted so long that I never got a break. After 4 hours of being stuck at 7cm with contractions right on top of each other, I was exhausted! My three hours of sleep and three bites of scrambled eggs for breakfast just was not nearly enough to keep my energy up! The other thing that was so difficult for me was the fact that I could not progress any further, and they told me that Isaac's head and my cervix were both starting to swell which would just make it even more difficult for him to get out. In the beginning I was happy that my labor was going fast, and that I was progressing so quickly. At this point, though, I realized that with a big baby that's not always a good thing. His head just hadn't had enough time to mold to fit the shape of my pelvis. By the time Vicky started talking about going to the hospital, I agreed simply because I was afraid for my baby, and I had no idea when Michelle might arrive or if she would even be able to do anything different to help us get past 7cm and be able to deliver at home.

While getting clothes and things together for the hospital stay, Vicky said not to rush, but Andrea was in so much pain that I couldn't help it. I wish we had planned for this so that we had it all ready. I continually needed to ask Andrea about things, and she was really only coherent for a few seconds every few minutes or so. Then I felt as if I were abandoning her every time I would go into the closet to get clothes. It was definitely a stressful situation.

I also remember Vicky saying that it wasn't an emergency, so there was no need to rush. I don't honestly remember how long it even took for them to get everything ready to go. I just remember that I felt like everyone abandoned me. I was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed, struggling through 5 minute long contractions, while Michael was trying to pack for us, Scottie was packing the baby's things, and Vicky was packing up her kit. I remember feeling very alone, and generally pissed off that someone couldn't stop what they were doing and help me - especially when I needed to go to the bathroom! At one point no one was in the room with me, so I crawled into the bathroom by myself.

We got everything together and Scottie drove our car behind Vicky on the way to St. David's Central. I was in the back trying to help Andrea, but she was in a ton of pain on the way to the hospital. I thought speedbumps were bad for her during pregnancy....this was 100 times worse for her.

I don't doubt Michael when he says that I was in a lot of pain during the drive. I know that it was hard for him to watch me suffer. The truth, though, is that my mind had taken me somewhere else - my body's own way to block the pain. I don't even remember the drive to the hospital. I only remember getting into the car and falling in love with my husband all over again when I looked over and saw my favorite pillow and blanket waiting in the backseat. I remember thinking how thoughtful he was, then the car started to move and the next thing I know they're opening the car door and helping me into the wheelchair.

We got to the hospital, straight into the room, and the nurse starting asking a bunch of questions of us. Thankfully Vicky was there to answer most of them for us. Michelle arrived just a few minutes behind us and immediately got the epidural ordered. When we were planning a hospital birth before deciding to have a home birth, we had this rule that Andrea had to ask for the epidural 3 times before we would get it for her. However, Michelle always recommends getting the epidural if she's had to transport someone to the hospital after attempting the birth at home. This was an extraordinary situation, so we listened and got it right away. That, and it took everything I had to hold back the tears watching my wife crying and in so much pain. Dr. Soron was great; he was willing to let us try the epidural and see if that would slow things down enough and relax the cervix so Andrea could deliver Isaac vaginally, thereby not needing a C-section.

I was so thankful that the midwives had my file there with them so that they could answer most of the admission questions. I was also thankful that Michelle made it to the hospital just moments behind us. I remember that it was a while before they started the epidural, and during the wait I felt very anxious and out of control. Michelle would calmly place her palm on my chest, help me slow my breathing, and tell me how strong I was. I remember looking her directly in the eye and thinking, "She really means this! I am strong! I can do this!" And, miraculously, the contractions seemed more tolerable.

I agree that Dr. Sorin, was terrific! So many doctors would have insisted on a C-section as soon as we had to transfer to the hospital, but he really listened to us. He was willing to give my body the time it needed to adjust. I am so thankful that he was the doctor on duty that night!

The anesthesiologist was awesome. Andrea barely felt anything, and he was talking and joking to try to lighten the mood, which was good for all of us. Andrea was worried about this part of a hospital birth the most...that and other things like an episiotomy (which wasn't required, thankfully).

I admit that I feared an epidural - something about someone sticking a needle in my back when I was already in pain just made me incredibly anxious. I can say, now, though, that my fear was unfounded. The anesthesiologist was so fabulous; I barely felt that needle. And when I think about how minor that was compared to the strength of the contractions...well, let's just say I'm glad that the midwife encouraged the epidural! The contractions slowed, and though I could still feel them, the pain was much more tolerable than it had been before the epidural.

Andrea became much more calm and relaxed and became dilated to an 8 almost immediately. I remember at one point during the process, Scottie went to get us some food, and I felt pretty bad for eating even a sandwich in front of Andrea, but I was starving. At least she was getting an IV.

I know Michael felt bad for eating in front of me, but I was so glad he was able to eat something. I don't think he had eaten since breakfast because I hadn't wanted him to leave my side all day. I do remember watching him eat some potato chips and thinking that I couldn't wait to have this baby so that I could have some too. The funny thing is that now it's two and a half weeks later and I still haven't had potato chips! They just don't sound as good now as they did when all I could have was ice chips!

When she was at a 9 and almost 10, things were looking up. She was also much more relaxed. Soon, after a little pitocin, she was able to start pushing with the contractions. Andrea was amazing, pushing with all of her might to get Isaac to engage and get his head past the smallest part of her pelvis. This took a ton of concentration, some innovative positions proposed by the midwife and nurse, and a lot of effort by my wife. At one point I was standing at the foot of the bed with Andrea in a squatting position hanging onto me for dear life and I'm just trying not to fall over. It was great to be part of the process, even if for only a small part.

Before I talk about pushing, I just want to mention Rose, our terrific nurse. She was not intimidated by the presence of our midwives, and in fact, welcomed their thoughts and ideas. She allowed them to be a very big part of my birth experience, and for that I am grateful! She was also so supportive of a vaginal birth. I know another nurse could have totally changed the energy in the room, and then I wouldn't have had such a great experience. I sang her praises long and loud the whole time we were in the hospital.

I was so glad when I was able to start pushing, and also that the epidural wasn't as strong as I feared it would be. I had this mental image of being numb from the chest down to my toes, so I never used the button for extra pain medicine. By the time I was ready to push, I could feel my feet well enough to stand and then squat at the end of the bed. I remember hanging on to Michael and feeling so much stronger because his arms were around me. I remember thinking how special it was that it took both of us to help our son to be born! I think Michael has really downplayed his role in the whole birth experience. He was my rock, and I could not have done this without him! Even when we was worried about me, I never saw it...I only saw the love and patience in his eyes and his voice.

When I could see his head begin to crown, I finally begin to believe that this was really happening. Andrea said later that she could hear the excitement in my voice, he was right there and just a few more pushes would deliver him to the world. The nurse called the doctor in right after Isaac crowned, and Andrea pushed really really hard, like eight solid pushes, to get Isaac's head out. After that, the doctor did this cool corkscrew maneuver to help Isaac's shoulders get out.

I thought for a while that I would never get him out. I asked Michelle multiple times, "Is he moving at all?!?" She kept assuring me that he was, but I couldn't really tell that I was making progress. Then I heard Michael say, "I can see him!" I loved the excitement in his voice - it gave me the strength and encouragement I needed to work even harder.

After he was out, I cut Isaac's cord, and then one of the techs drew the cord blood. We decided to store his cord blood with the Cord Blood Registry. There was a ton of blood out of the cord. And since I'd never seen the cord before, I was amazed at how it looked. It was a lot thicker and bluer than I had imagined.

The Cord Blood Registry called me the next week and told me that we had a great cord blood sample - almost twice the average number of cells!

Once he was out and cleaned up, we noticed the kapet from where he was pushing against Andrea's cervix for so long, but that has gone down now so we're happy there was no lasting damage there. We also noticed that his hair was fairly red. We weren't sure yet because he was pretty red himself, but it looks like he'll be a red-head, at least for a little while.

As soon as Isaac came out, they placed him on my chest. He was all wet and warm, and he immediately started crying. I thought my heart was going to burst right out of my chest - that's how overwhelmed I was with the love I already felt for this precious little boy.

After that, they weighed him, 9lbs 12.5oz, and measured him, 21 3/4 in. Michelle fed him first, while I attended to my wife as well as some administrivia. I called the Cord Blood Registry folks and they sent a courier within an hour, which was very impressive. We sent a number of updates to Facebook with a quick picture of Andrea and Isaac so the whole family could see, then we each made a quick call to each of our parents.

The nurse took Isaac for his checkup (one of the reasons we didn't want to go to the hospital) and Andrea went with another nurse to the room. Scottie went with Isaac and I got our stuff and carried it with Michelle to our room after Andrea. It was kinda funny, because there was a family in the waiting area right next to the nursery, and they asked if the baby they just took was ours. I said yes, not thinking that they meant Michelle's and mine. That would have been pretty impressive for the mother to be up and around after that ordeal! I tried to clarify it for them, but I think they were confused because a couple of minutes later I was standing next to Scottie outside the nursery while Michelle was talking to Andrea.

I hated this part of being in the hospital. I didn't want them to take him away from me! It did make me feel better that Michael was going with him, though. I remember talking with Michelle for a bit while we waited, and eventually I sent her to the nursery to see what was taking so long.

When they were done checking him out, I got to push him in the cart to our room, and it was like a walk of fame. I don't know how else to describe it. Complete strangers were congratulating me, and I tried to tell them that I'm not the one they should be congratulating!

I wish I could have seen the look on Michael's face during his "Walk of Fame". He was pretty proud of his son!

Anyway, that's pretty much the story. We spent a couple of nights in the hospital, and things went ok, but we were very happy to get home on Monday.

Overall, it was a great experience. Part of me is still a little disappointed that we weren't able to stay home for the birth as we'd planned, but when you have such a beautiful, healthy little boy, it just doesn't matter. I'm happy that Isaac is here. The waiting game is over - now on to the next phase of life!