Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Isaac at 3 months

Isaac at 3 months

Our little man is growing so fast! He's already wearing 6-9 month clothes and the boy is only 3 months old! In the past few weeks he's gotten so much stronger! He loves to stand, and because he wants to do it so much, he's getting much better at trying to balance himself. He also loves playing "The Tongue Game", which drives Michael crazy! I think it's funny to watch him stick out his tongue and wait for you to do it as well - then he just smiles! He's even laughed several times - mostly when we're playing this game.

He's also been enjoying his new activity jumper. At first I thought it might be too advanced for him, but he really loves it. He's figured out how to move some of the pieces around, and how to hit the hanging toys. He gets so excited when he's spinning that little green frog around!

Speaking of frogs, my little "puppy, monkey, frog-boy" mutant child has officially turned into a fish! The boy LOVES to swim. I wish I had some pictures of him in the water, but I have my hands full when he's swimming! We had been swimming in the garden tub in the bathroom, but since he's 26 inches and 17+ pounds, it was getting a little crowded in the tub for both of us - especially since he's decided that he wants to be moving in the water! So, we bought a swimming pool for the back yard - it will probably save us a fortune compared to filling up that big bathtub every day! The pool isn't huge - 10ft round and 30 in deep. It's just perfect for all three of us to be in and still have room to move around. Of course since we put up the pool this weekend, it's been cool and rainy - figures! He didn't like it at all yesterday. I think the water was still just a little too cool for him, so we got out almost as soon as we got in. Today, though, the water was much warmer and we ended up swimming for about 45 minutes! He loved having Michael in the pool with us, and it took him all of 2 minutes to figure out how to splash water on us. He thought that was great fun, and I just thought it was fun to hear him laugh and squeal in delight!

We've still been walking too, and now when we go out either for a walk or a ride in the car, he's wearing his shades. He looks so cute in them! He didn't like them at first, but now he's getting used to them. I think he's figured out that it's better than having the sun in his eyes.

We've been working on getting him to roll over, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. He's just a little lazy about some things. He's perfectly content to be on his back or his tummy and not try to roll over. And if we try to prop him on his side he will squirm around so that he's either on his back or his tummy. So we've been trying to entice him with different toys, trying to get him interested in something enough to want to reach for it. We've had some luck with his WowWee robotic tiger cub. He's been fascinated by it. He reaches out for it and then if he gets it he wants to either cuddle with it, or chew it. There are a couple of cute pictures in the album of him with his tiger.

On Saturday I Michael took care of Isaac most of the day so that I could get meals in the freezer and prep some things for the Memorial Day BBQ. That evening he couldn't figure out why his back hurt! I laughed and said something to the effect of "Welcome to my world!" and told him to take some Advil. You don't really think about how much of a workout it is to lift and carry 17 pounds of dead weight around all day! My arms should be nice and toned by the end of summer! I will say that even though Michael was sore at the end of the day, he did a terrific job with Isaac! It was so nice to get things done without having to stop in the middle of something to care for Isaac. So, because of Michael's hard work, I put 13 meals and two huge batches of cookies in the freezer.

One batch of cookies was for the Memorial Day BBQ we attended yesterday at Chez Lo-Francis. I made 6 dozen red, white, and blue sugar cookies, and 12 dozen butter mints. Michael made his famous potato salad. Everything we took got rave reviews, and now I need to send some recipes to Cindy. We had a great time at the BBQ - thanks to Cindy and Scott for hosting! Isaac was angel while we were there! We weren't really sure how he would do since we were there during the whole of his long nap time, but he did much better than we expected him too. He was quiet, happy, smiling, or sound asleep the whole time - beautiful!

We've established a routine that seems to work for all of us, at least for now. Having a routine has been so helpful when I need to leave Isaac with Michael, or if Michael and I want to go out and leave Isaac with Sarah - Michael's co-worker who babysits for us occasionally. It's so nice for everyone to know what to expect, and it helps me not to worry when I'm away from him. We're also learning to be flexible, though, when something comes up. Lately that "something" has mostly been teething. One of his front bottom teeth is trying to come through and sometimes it really bothers him. Of course then there are days like today when the "something" is the car not starting while we're out trying to run errands! I thought he would get really cranky since we were getting close to nap time, but he happily played with me for a while and then, when I put him back in the car seat, he went right to sleep. Of course once we got home it took him a few minutes to settle down again and go to sleep in the crib, but overall, not a bad experience...thankfully!

So, that's our boy at 3 months - growing like a weed, learning something new everyday, and generally a happy baby! Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Isaac at 10 Weeks

Isaac 10 weeks

I can not believe I'm two weeks behind in getting this post up - where does the time go?!? These pictures were taken two weeks ago when Isaac was 10 weeks old. Michael's dad came down to see his new grandson, and the two of them hit it off very well. Isaac was very quiet and curious at first, but it didn't take long for him to warm up to grandpa. They had a great time laughing and talking all weekend! I'm so glad that Steve was able to come for a visit! We all had a great time.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's a Beautiful Morning with Isaac

Just a short video of Andrea singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" to Isaac. She does this every morning.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Play Dates

Play Dates

This week Isaac met two new playmates! Of course, I suppose "playmate" is a relative term - the babies all seemed pretty much oblivious of one another. The moms on the other hand had a very nice time visiting!

Angie brought Gaby over on Thursday. She is two and a half weeks younger than Isaac, and looks so tiny in comparison! She is a beautiful little girl, and was full of smiles when we put her on the blanket to play with Isaac. He was starting to get tired, so he wasn't really in a smiling mood.

On Friday, Lisa and Parker came to see us. Parker was born about a week and a half after Isaac. Parker is such a cutie; he has the most beautiful blue eyes! We had them both playing on the playmat and they looked so cute. They were both much more interested in the toys hanging over them than they were in each other.

I enjoyed getting to visit with Angie and Lisa. It was nice to catch up and share "war" stories. I think it made us all feel a little more human, and not like worn out mommies! Brita was going to come over too, but she and Naomi weren't feeling well this week. Hopefully they will get better soon so that we can see them. We hope to get to visit with Angie, Gaby, Lisa, and Parker again soon as well. We had a lot of fun this week!