Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bluebonnets 2014

It's that time of year again! I love Spring in Texas - even though we're having a weird one this year. Just when I think it's going to get warm, we have a cold front or a freak hail storm - crazy.

Last week Isaac and I took a little time after school one day to visit a field of bluebonnets in the neighborhood. It was especially fun for me this year because he was so excited about it. He loves seeing last year's pics on the apple TV, so he was looking forward to getting new ones up there.

As usual he was quite the little ham at first, but then he sat down and started giving me that sweet boy smile. By the time he started making hearts with his hands and telling me how much he loved me, my heart was overflowing. So lucky to have such a super sweet and caring boy. Enjoy the new pics of our quickly growing kiddo!