Sunday, September 4, 2011

August Recap

I truly meant to post our Cozi updates every week or two, but alas, the month has gotten away from me. Here is a recap of some of the highlights from August.

Wednesday, August 3
Robbie's sprinklers were on when we got home from dinner, and Isaac was fascinated. We let him play and run around in the water until it was time to go in and get ready for bed. I loved hearing that happy little giggle as he ran through the water.

Saturday, August 6
I received a package yesterday and left this box out for Isaac to find. When I got up this morning, he had it half filled with random treasures; then he decided that he should climb in too. Such cheap entertainment! We also made a trip to IKEA today to get Isaac an easel. He LOVES it!

Sunday August 7
Apparently we don't know how to hide the crayons very well. Isaac found the Crayola tower (100 crayons) on my desk upstairs and carried the whole thing downstairs (amazingly without dropping them). I think last week's lesson must have sunk in, though, because he was only coloring in his book.

It's good that he didn't make a mess too, because as you can see from this video, I'm such a slave driver! The truth is that he just loves to clean and vacuum. Who needs play vacuums and such when I can have him actually pick up some dirt, right?

Monday, August 8
Bathtub finger paints are so much fun for Isaac (and so easy to clean for Mom)!

Tuesday, August 9
I wrote Isaac's name on his Magna Doodle board last night so that we could start working on recognizing his name in print. He came home from school this evening, picked up the board and said, "Look, Mom! That's my name!"

OK, then, that lesson didn't take long. I guess I need to think of something more difficult now :-)

Wednesday, August 10
It's just too hot to go outside, so while waiting for Michael to get off work and meet us for dinner, Isaac and I decided to kill some time at Petco.

Then we hung out at the Lakeshore Learning Store. He really enjoyed these little animal masks.

Thursday, August 11
Michael took Isaac home after dinner, and when they got home, Michael forgot to get Isaac's school bags from the car when they came inside. He went back to the car to get them, and Isaac followed, of course. As soon as Michael pulled the items from the car, Isaac immediately exclaimed, "Oh, WOW! It's my stuff!"

Friday, August 12
This is the latest artistic endeavor...raindrops. I think he really wants it to rain here too!

This is one of the little tutus I made for the girls in Isaac's class to use for dress up. I converted a target bookshelf into a dramatic play/dress up center for his class at school. Unfortunately, the picture I took of it turned out blurry. I have to try to remember to snap a picture of it in his classroom.

Here's the second
tutu I did. I think it turned out even better than the first. Super cute, and so fun and easy to make. Thanks, Nicole, for the instructions!

Saturday, August 13

We scored a sitter for tonight so that we could go celebrate Andy's birthday. I think it's funny that as "grown ups" our parties aren't really much different than when we were kids - maybe just a little more sophisticated in terms of the specifics: HomeSlice instead of Chuck E Cheese, Hey Cupcake instead of grocery store cake, then ending with a game of Pandemic instead of pin the tail on the donkey. Good times!

Sunday, August 14

We had a little family science fun this morning. We set up a basin of water in the kitchen and had a variety of activities including a game of 'Sink or Float' and a boat propelled by a rubber band motor.

Monday, August 15 - Yee-haw!

Tuesday, August 16
For the past two days I've been working on all the prep work for these fish costumes that Isaac and his classmates are going to complete and then wear to their end of summer performance on Friday.

Friday, August 19
We wondered why he seemed unusually quiet this morning. Apparently he got up too early, and decided to go back to sleep.

2011 Summer School Performance
Unfortunately, this performance is not nearly as entertaining as his Cinco de Mayo performance. He was so excited about his fish costume and we had been practicing his song all week, but you'll see that almost as soon as he starts he gets upset about something. The problem is that the song they are singing along to is actually from a video on YouTube. He's used to watching the video and singing along, so once he realized there was no video, he thought there was technical difficulty that should be resolved before they kept singing. He was still upset about it after the performance, and kept asking, "What happened, Mom?" Hopefully the next one will go a little more smoothly. At least you can see the little fish costumes he and his classmates made! So cute!

Oh, one more thing, the sweet little blond girl next to Isaac in the purple fish costume is Ellie. She is the girl who sent him a love note earlier this year. She has since informed me (and most anyone else who will listen) on more than one occasion that she's going to marry Isaac when she's bigger.

Saturday, August 20
We tried to get out for a bit this morning before it became unbearably hot. We took some bread down to Mills Pond for the ducks. It was so sad to see how low the water is!

Monday, August 22
We usually count to three as Isaac's warning when he is being naughty. Typically I haven't had to get past one before he straightens up, although over the past week or so he seems to be waiting until the last possible moment to stop the undesired behavior. Perhaps it's time to move on to a different technique, especially when this morning he didn't want me to comb his hair. "No, Mom! Stop! 1...2...3 - Go away now!" It was really hard to contain my laughter!

Tuesday, August 23
My battery died when I was at the gas station this morning. I know that I posted this on Facebook, but I think it bears repeating. I know this is totally sexist, but I thought every man knew how to jump start a car! Just a hint to guy jumping my car this morning: if you don't have a clue, just get out of my way and don't act like you know it all because I DO know how to do it! Oh, and when I asked for a jump I wasn't asking for your "expertise" or trying to play the damsel in distress...I really just wanted to use you for your battery ;-)

It turns out that I needed a new alternator. I am so tired of pouring money into this car! I will be so happy when we trade it in - just a few more months. Come on, car, please hold it together until then!

Wednesday, August 24
At the park, lately, Isaac has been chasing the poor little squirrels. He knows they live in trees, and so he thinks that's where they should stay. In this little video, he sees a squirrel approaching our bench and say's, "Oh no. Go away - up a tree!" Then proceeds to follow said squirrel to ensure that he does just that.

Thursday, August 25
Isaac didn't have school on Thursday and Friday this week, so we decided to take a little mini vacation to San Antonio. This post is long enough already, so I'll make a separate post later that includes all the details of our trip.

Monday August 29
This is hilarious! Isaac recently watched a Wiggles movie where they were juggling. Now, he's convinced he can juggle anything. He tries to sing their little song before juggling - that's why it sounds like he's announcing what he'll be juggling (in this case 2 pears, 2 bananas, and 2 chickens - he's trying to juggle his play food). Of course his perception of how many things he can juggle and the reality of what actually happens are pretty far apart! :-)