Monday, September 21, 2009

Isaac is almost crawling

He's so close! All he needs to do is figure out how to move forward! Check out our little superhero in the video below:

Isaac Almost Crawling

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Trip to Missouri

King Family Gathering 2009-09-11

Reagan Family Gathering and 5 Generations

Last week Isaac and I made a trip to Missouri to visit with extended family. He tolerated the trip so well - especially considering he had a bit of a cold when we left and a full blown ear infection by the time we got home. Because he got sick while we were there, we didn't get to visit as much as we would have liked, but we still had a great time. Mom and Dad met us there, so Isaac got to meet my dad for the first time. He loved stealing Dad's hat, and then pulling his hair! Of course, I think Grandpa loved every minute!

We spent Friday evening with Dad's side of the family. I can't believe how many kids we have in our family! Wow! Sometimes it's weird. It seems like just yesterday we were the kids...time flies.

On Friday and Saturday afternoons we went to visit Isaac's great-great-grandma Rachel. She was thrilled to meet him, and he thought she was wonderful! I love the pictures of the two of them together! Mom and Pop went with us on Saturday, so we were able to snap a quick five-generation picture while we were there.

Saturday evening we spent with Mom's family. We enjoyed the visit, but I didn't take as many pictures as I would have like since Isaac got really sick that night. We spent all day Sunday just trying to keep his fever down, and trying to make him comfortable.

Despite being sick, Isaac was so good on the return flight. At the airport and on the plane he charming every person within a 10 foot radius of anywhere we happened to be. Overall, it was a nice visit. Thanks to all the family for making time to visit with us. Hopefully no one will get sick the next time we visit, and we'll get to spend more time with you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Isaac at 6 months

Isaac at 6 months

Our little boy is growing up so fast! At is 6 month check he was 22lbs 2oz and 30 1/2 inches long - still over the the 95 percentile! Last week I packed away all of the 12 month clothes. I can't believe my 6 month old is wearing 18 month clothes! It's really no wonder that my back hurts!

We've been spending a lot of time on the floor over the past few weeks. He sits for long periods of time completely unassisted, and he's lunging for things that catch his interest. He's a mover! He can stretch, roll, and army crawl anywhere he wants to go. I think he wants to crawl, but hasn't quite figured it out yet. He has managed to get up on all fours a few times, but when he does he only succeeds in going backward. Of course that frustrates him, so he just goes back to the army crawl on his belly.

He's developing such a little personality. He loves feet - his own, or someone else's...especially if they have painted toenails. He loves to talk, and stand, and jump. He loves it when anyone makes funny noises at him. Oh, and he loves to sing! I always sing along when I play the piano for him, so yesterday when he was playing his piano he was singing too. It was adorable!

We are beginning to realize just how determined he can be too. When he's on the floor and catches sight of his infant seat, he becomes totally fixated on it. He will scoot, roll, and stretch until he can reach it. Then, he will work and work to move it around so that he can reach the switch on the front that turns the vibration on. Then he turns is on, and is content to move on to the next thing. It's so funny to watch him work so hard toward his goal!

He's been going to Spanish School twice a week for the past month, and he loves it there! His face lights up each time we walk into the classroom and he sees Ms. LuLu, his teacher. The only bad thing about it is that we've had 2 colds already - and I do mean "we". He brings it home to all the rest of us. Oh, well, I'm sure at some point he'll build up an immunity to all the bugs floating around there. It just sucks in the mean time.

Isaac and I are getting ready for a trip to Fredericktown to visit with family and friends. Mom and Dad are meeting us there, so Isaac will finally get to meet another grandpa! I'm also looking forward to seeing everyone, and getting to introduce him to the extended family. I'm so excited for him to meet his great-grandfather, and his great-great-grandmother! How special!

I've taken some video over the past month, but it hasn't been edited yet. I realized when I was getting ready to write a blog this weekend that I hadn't taken any pictures of him over the past month - how unlike me! So, we tried to take a few over the weekend to post so that everyone can see how much he's grown. I'm sure that I'll have a lot more pictures to post when we get back from our trip! Enjoy!